Upcoming Series

  • Yamas & Niyamas Series


    with Priti Chanda Klco & Annie Jacob

    The Yamas & Niyamas are considered the moral vows or ethical disciplines as taught through the yoga traditions.

    Over the course of our series, we will focus on one Yama and Niyama per session. Together we will journey through these eight moral guidelines and extract our collective wisdom in regards to each one and how they relate to and effect our lives. We will conclude our time with either a guided meditation or yoga nidra to integrate and more fully embody them.

    Please consider reading about the Yamas & Niyamas in a translation of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras of your choice or Deborah Adele’s Yamas and Niyamas book.

    $108 for the entire series

    or $25 drop-in per session

  • Yoga

    Teen Yoga Series

    4 Week Series for ages 12-15

    Dates TBD

    Wednesdays 4:15-5:15pm

    with Tessie Jo Ortega

    In this Series, we will cover a variety of yoga postures and breathing techniques to support physical health and mental- emotional wellbeing.

    Space is limited. Please pre-register.

    $60 for 4 Week Series

    $50 Discounted Rate (must hold teen discount pass to purchase)